26 March 2012, Windhoek – Brazilian firm, HRT Oil & Gas, has begun drilling activities Atan asset offshore Namibia.
The company said it has spudded the Wingat-1 well on production licence 23 in the Walvis basin offshore Namibia.
The well, also called 2212A/07, is being drilled with the semi-submersible Transocean Marianas and is expected to take 60 days to reach total depth of around 4100 metres.
The main objective of the well is to test the resource potential of the Albian-aged carbonate platform which it is expected to intersect at about 3950 metres.
This is the first in a series of wells HRT will drill on its 10 operated blocks in Namibia. Portugal’s Galp Energia is taking a 14% interest in the first three wells to be drilled. It has licences in both the Walvis and Orange basins.