05 February 2014, Accra – Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most exciting solar markets in the world. The region faced by dire energy demand gap and the urgent need for this to be addressed coupled with the high solar irradiance bestowed in the region create exceptional opportunities for solar energy investment & deployment.
Sub-Saharan Africa Solar Conference 2014 will kick off from 23 to 24 April 2014 in Accra, Ghana. It will see a distinguished panel of speakers drawn from Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, The Netherlands, Germany, South Africa, Philippines, USA, Belgium, Senegal, Abu Dhabi, among others.
The speakers of the event include GET FiT Uganda, Kenya’s Energy Regulatory Commission, Ghana’s Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, BioTherm Energy, Harith General Partners, CTI-PFAN, South Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry, South African Independent Power Producers Association, International Finance Corporation, and European Investment Bank.
The conference is well timed to tap on the opportunities. Said Samuel Adu-Asare, African
Renewable Energy Alliance – AREA, “Looking forward, Sub-Saharan African countries tends to offer the biggest market opportunities to integrate RE technologies to accelerate the growth of its regional economies that will help address the socio-economic challenges confronting most of its people.”
This high-level strategic platform, which features a gathering of the Who’s Who in solar energy
infrastructure developments to meet the energy demand gap of the SSA nations, for rural electrification and energy intensive industries.
“The conference provides a unique opportunity to explore untapped business partnerships in Sub Saharan Africa and interaction with energy regulators and decision makers involved with implementation of generation targets and project development plans in renewable energy”, said Mr. AmitJain, Energy Access Specialist for Asian Development Bank.
Recognising “The nexus between solar energy, agriculture and agro-processing will be one of the keys to unlock the productive capacity of the region, impact on global trade and provide sustainable and inclusive growth,” Dr. L. Thiombiano, Deputy Regional Representative for Africa, FAO Representative to Ghana, Regional Office for Africa added.
– The Chronicle