Newswire — Shell has announced that oil discovered offshore Namibia in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) 39 cannot be currently confirmed for commercial development. As such, the company will write down $400 million, citing technical and geological difficulties encountered at the license.
While stakeholders deem this as a ‘blow to the country,’ the African Energy Chamber (AEC) considers this merely a speed bump in Namibia’s oil development rather than a road block. Namibia still offers significant potential in the offshore Orange Basin and beyond, underscored by the positive exploration campaigns currently underway.
Shell made headlines in 2022 with the discovery of the Graff-1X exploration well in PEL 39. Since this find, the company has drilled an additional 8 wells, namely La Rona-1X, Jonker-1X, Graff-1A, Lesedi-1X, Cullinan-1X, Jonker-1A, Jonker-2A and Enigma-1X. Situated 250 km in the deep offshore, PEL 39 covers 12,000 km² – twice the size of Namibia’s capital city Windhoek. While subsurface complexities may exist, the current findings across the country are still promising. Moving further north, reservoir quality is expected to improve. A more in-depth analysis of the data by the exploration team could uncover opportunities for a gas strategy, potentially revealing new possibilities.
The Orange Basin is believed to be rich in oil, with promising exploration opportunities in the north. Gas prospects are also prolific, underscoring the future potential and emerging growth opportunities present in the basin. However, Namibia’s oil potential doesn’t end with this basin. Beyond the Orange Basin, Namibia’s on- and offshore acreage offers high potential for impactful discoveries, particularly in basins such as Walvis, Kuene, Kavango and Namibe.
“There is no need for alarm. Exploration in these blocks is ongoing, and discoveries may need to be tied in with other finds within the basin,” said NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the AEC. “It’s worth noting that these blocks are massive, spanning up to 10,000 square kilometers – larger than some countries. Shell and other operators have only scratched the surface of the vast exploration opportunities available in Namibia. The country’s oil and gas story is still unfolding, and there’s so much more to come. The government has been a strong supporter of investment into the oil sector and has created a stable climate that makes Namibia a go to destination for investors,”