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MCE Deepwater Development 2012 Preliminary Technical Program 
We are pleased to announce the 2012 Preliminary Technical Program. The 2012 overall program features several high quality forums and special sessions to compliment the traditional technical program content. *Registration Now Open Tuesday Welcome Address & Plenary Session Mr. Yves Louis Darricarrere gives the Welcome Address Tuesday, March 27 followed by Mr. Michel Hourcard’s Scene-Setting presentation. Presentations by Total, Petrobras and Statoil are to follow in the Subsea Processing Session. Yves Louis Darricarrere E&P President, Total Michel Hourcard Sr. VP, Development & Operations Techniques, Total Subsea Processing Session:- Christian Millot, Production Support Leader, Total E&P Angola, “Feedback of the First Months of the PAZFLOR Subsea Separation Units”
- Cezar Paulo, Manager Subsea Engineering, Petrobras, “Subsea Processing Development at Petrobras”
- Steinar Midttveit, Statoil, “Subsea Electrical Power – A Key Enabler for Statoil’s Visions on Subsea Processing.
Technical Program and Conference Highlights: - Monday’s Special Opening Session begins at 15:00 with two track sessions
- Track One: West Africa Opportunities & Challenges
- Track Two: Subsea Equipment
- Monday’s Ice Breaker Reception, Hosted by Total & Saipem at 17:30
- Tuesday’s Deepwater Equipment Integrity & Reliability Forum
- Total’s Gala Evening Event, Tuesday, March 27th at 19:00
- Wednesday’s Local Content Management Forum
to view full Preliminary Technical Program
If you would like to discuss participation in the Forums or ask other technical questions, please contact Caitlin Shaw-Traver at We look forward to seeing you in Paris 26-28 March 2012 |
Exhibition  This year’s exhibition is built to serve the exhibitors needs. Our lunches will serve as a unique opportunity to network with industry associates, as we will have a walking lunch to promote attendees to experience all of what the exhibition has to offer. Our Icebreaker Reception, coffee breaks, and awards ceremony will also be a great way to network within the exhibition hall. Join our host, TOTAL S.A., as well as numerous major contractors and service companies who have already secured their position on the floor. |
Sponsorships Sponsorships offer a unique opportunity to increase brand awareness among the leading deepwater decision makers. Take this opportunity to increase your exposure at MCE Deepwater Development. |
Accommodations MCE Deepwater Development will be held at CNIT La Défense, 26-28 March 2012, which is right across the street from Hotel Pullman La Défense. To receive the conference group rate at Hotel Pullman, please book your room prior to 25 January, 2012 in order to guarantee the discounted rate. Pullman La Défense 
Room Rate: 280 € (tax included) Rate includes Tax, Breakfast and Wi-Fi Reservation form will be available online next week. Begin booking as soon as possible to guarantee the group rate. After 25 January, 2012 the rate will no longer be guaranteed. |
| | If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Allison Tonkin Marketing Manager Quest Offshore Resources Tel: +1 (281) 491-5900 Fax: +1 (281) 491-5902 Email: [email protected] |